Friday, 28 October 2016

A Snippet from Serendip

We are well and truly into our Serendip visits and we are having a great time!

Pokemon Hunt



Walk to School Month - Last Entry

We have had a lovely time walking to school together each Friday during October. Congratulations to all of the children, parents and siblings who have made it along - especially those children who have been there each time! Today's group was small, but no less enthusiastic! Great work, kids! 

A Great Day Out

We had a fabulous day at Norlane Water World during our Water Safety and Awareness Program.

We learnt about staying safe at pools and on the beach. We found out about all of the safety signs at a pool. 

We waded and swam through pretend seaweed and over pretend rocks. 

We discovered that you never jump in to help someone who is having trouble in the water. Instead, you throw them a rope, a kick board or anything else that floats. If you are able to pull them in, kneel down on one knee, or lie down so that you don't get pulled in yourself. If you are struggling in the water, put one fist high in the air and call loudly for help.

We imagined what it would be like if there was an emergency on a boat and you had to use a life jacket to escape. We discovered that you put on the life jacket securely, cover your face and chest and then jump into the water. Link arms with other people and then count your group, so that you know how many people are with you. Kick to the safety of a floating object and wait for help. If your life jacket doesn't fit, or if the zip is broken, hug it tightly like a teddy bear and it will still keep you afloat. 

We had some fun playing water games which allowed us to practice skills like torpedoes and going underwater.

Our children were beautifully behaved and they had a great time whilst also learning important safety information. What a fabulous day! 

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

WALT Tell the Time

In maths We Are Learning To tell time. In grade 2 we introduce children to telling time to the quarter hour. Of course, some children are not quite ready for this and focus more on o'clock and half past times, and some are ready to go beyond this, focusing on telling time to five minute intervals, or even to the minute.

The clocks that we've made and labelled sure do make this tricky concept a whole lot easier!

Monday, 17 October 2016

What's On?

We have a very busy term ahead!

Some of these you will be well aware of, and some are dates for your diaries...

17/10/16 - 21/10/16 - 2 B  (commenced)
24/10/16 - 28/10/16 - 2J  (note coming)
31/10/16 - 4/11/16 - 2N  (note coming)

Day off!
Geelong Cup Day - Wednesday, 19th October - Geelong Cup Day

Water Safety and Awareness Program
Thursday 27th October 

  • cost $21.50 
  • payment due Friday, 21st October  
  • note emailed 
  • payment preferred through QKR! app, but also payable through the office

JSC fundraiser - Career Day with a twist 
Tuesday, 1st November - students will dress as what they want to be when they grow up, staff will dress as students!  (note coming)
Our 2016 JSC reps are excited about our final fundraiser.

The return of Mini Mudder
Friday, 11th November (note coming)

Christmas Concert
Friday, 2nd December (note coming)

Friday, 14 October 2016

Walk to School Month

Thanks for coming out again this morning, 
kids and parents! It was another lovely start 
to a Friday! 

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Prank Alert

Which cheeky teacher had so much time on his (or her) hands that he (or she) could sneak in and 'decorate'
Mrs Bennett's desk?
Awwww, cute!

It's looking like another beautiful Spring morning for a walk!
Don't forget teachers will be at the Lara Library at 8:30, Friday, October 14th, to join with students and families who would like to participate in a fun and friendly Walk-to-School.
We hope to see you there!

Week 2 Award Winners

Students of the Week

Be Your Best Award Winners


2N will receive double awards next week, due to Mrs Newman's unexpected departure.

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Information Reports

At school We Are Learning To (WALT) write Information Reports. Check out this slideshow that demonstrates the features that we have focussed on in our teaching and learning...

Sunday, 9 October 2016

October is Walk-to-School month

Wow! What a fabulous turn-out of students we had for our first Friday walk! Not only that, but a fabulous turn-out of mums, dads, brothers and sisters. There was a real buzz of excitement as we all walked together to school, and it was a lovely community feel. Thanks for coming along, everyone! We hope to see you again next week - same time, same place (i.e. Lara Library, 8:30)

Thursday, 6 October 2016

Bluearth in Term 4

This term we have had the return of our favourite games, Skittles Soccer and Run the Gauntlet, as well as the introduction of two new games, Capture the Flag and Jurassic Park. The children love our new games. So do the teachers - Mrs Newman has already captured the flag twice!

Hey, tourists! Watch out for the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park!

Capture the Flag: defend your team's flag, whilst trying to steal the other team's.

2N also had another session with our very own Bluearth Coach, Mitch. He conducted some activities helping children with stamina, stillness, balance, grit, determination and resilience. 
How long can you hang?
How well can you balance?