On Thursday, July 21st, 2B, 2J and 2N celebrated the
Nine tens and nine ones. |
What can you do with nine tens and ten ones? |
You can make one hundred! |
We had rotations and participated in some great activities.
We made 100 Day glasses with Mrs Newman:
We made fairy bread with Mrs Bennett (with A LOT of help from Mrs Spalding!). We used 100s and 1000s (of course!), fairy dust, chocolate sprinkles, honey and jam. We talked all about fractions. Most children chose to have their fairy bread in quarters, but knew they could make their quarters in different ways.
Who ever knew school could be so yummy?! |
Quarters in triangles. |
Quarters in rectangles. |
Quarters in squares. |
2B enjoyed their fairy bread. |
So did 2N! |
Here are three different ways of making quarters. |
And we made 100 Day posters with Mr Beck.