Friday, 25 March 2016

2016 Walkathon

We had a beautiful day to celebrate our new improved Walkathon (do you remember last year, when it was raining?) This year, for the first time, the whole school walked the same path and we walked with our buddy grades. All in our CrAzY SoCkS! We walked down the driveway, past the houses, along Hovell's Creek, under the bridge, behind Coles, past the skatepark, past the ovals, through Lara Secondary College, and back to school. Back at school there were sausages, muffins, cookies, icy-poles, music and a nice cool-down spray from Mrs Bennett. 

Thanks to our very own Mrs Newman for organising this wonderful event. Thanks also to the parents who came for a walk with us to help keep us safe. Finally, thanks to the families who have sent their sponsorship money along. For those who haven't, we'd love to have it back next term. Remember, you can pay using QKR! The money raised is going towards a new playground for the 3/4 area. That means we can use it next year! Great job, everyone!

Our Final Award Winners for the Term

Easter Rotations

With Easter just around the corner, we decided it would be appropriate to have some Easter fun. So each grade 2 class visited each grade 2 teacher, making something Easter-y along the way. We made Easter baskets with Mr Beck, Easter chickens with Mrs Bennett and a hatching Easter egg with Mrs Newman. As always, it was fun mixing things up a bit! Oh, and of course the Easter Bunny delivered eggs into our baskets! 

Friday, 18 March 2016

2016 Whole School Cross Country

Congratulations and thank you to our very own Mr Beck who organised a fantastic Cross Country event for our whole school. What a fantastic day!
All the grade twos are ready to represent their houses proudly.
The girls are ready to race! 
Ready. Set. GO!
Now it's the boys' turn.

I was hot and sweaty and my legs were sore. It was fun and good. My house is Gold. My house came second by one point. I felt happy and excited.  Ava

I got a certificate. I got a point.   Tehata

Today it was Cross Country. All of the grade 2s had to run around the oval. I came 7th. I was as excited as when I got my ribbons from the last two years. When I started I was super ready to start. My house colour is Gold. Our house came second by one point. When I finished I did nothing other tell Miss Coller my first and last name. After that I got a spray and then I went and cheered Madel. We all got a point for participating in the Cross Country. These are all the house colours: Blue is Bass, Red is Hovell, Gold is Hume and Green is Flinders. I was hot and sweaty. I was very happy that my friends won today. I had a ball.  Abbey

Today was Cross Country. I came 7th last, but I reckon I did an amazing and very good job. Hovell won. I was Hovell. My friend Cannon came 12th.   Declan

Today it was a special day because all the school did Cross Country. I was excited and a little bit nervous. Red House won. The houses are: Blue - Bass, Green - Flinders, Gold - Hume, Red - Hovell.   Matilda

Today we had Cross Country and I came fifth and I was puffed out, but I still ran fast and it was exciting.  Tylar

Today we did Cross Country. I was hot. I was tired. I came ninth. I got a point for my house. I got a spray. I got a certificate.  Rachael

On the 17th of the third the whole school had Cross Country. I felt hot and sweaty and bothered. I came second and Lexie came first. Tallulah my sister came first. It was amazing! My brother came 4th. Our mum was there. My house colour is Green, so is Tallulah and Tadhg’s.    Winnie

Today was Cross Country. Red is Hovell and Hovell won. I was in Hovell. When I was running I was hot, tired and sweaty. I came sixth place. We ran all around the oval.   Gus

Today we did Cross Country. I came 4th last but I was trying my best in Cross Country. I was having fun. I liked how everyone tried their best. Hovell won today. I wanted Green to win. I was sad but happy for Red team. I was proud of myself. Lachlan, Riley, Matilda and Winnie are in Green with me.  Franki

At school today we had a special day because we had Cross Country and Red House won. There were Gold, Green and Blue. I was in Gold. I was second. It was really great and I got a certificate.  Seona

Today at school I wore green. It was Cross Country. I ran fast. I was puffed. It was magnificent fun. Flinders came third. It was awesome. Hovell came first. I was boiling hot. I got a point.   Lachlan

Today at school I ran in the Cross Country. I am in Red house. I ran my fastest. When it was finished we went to the hall. the Red team won. I got a certificate.    Jamie

Tuesday, 8 March 2016


In Maths we are are learning to measure centimetres with a ruler. We know that we begin measuring from the zero, not from the edge of the ruler. We know that centimetres can be written more quickly as cm. Here we are measuring some snakes - Snakey, Headless, Tail-free and Stretchy.


Students of the Week